Tax Relief from The IRS New Simplification Plan for tax

Simplifying IRS Notices: The Simple Notice Initiative

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has launched the Simple Notice Initiative, which aims to streamline and clarify the 170 million letters sent to taxpayers annually. This initiative aligns with the IRS’s broader efforts to transform and modernize operations, emphasizing enhancing the overall taxpayer experience. Let’s discuss exciting news from the IRS: they’re simplifying tax notices! In this article, we’ll break down the ‘No More Tax Notice Headaches: IRS Announces Simplification Initiative‘ and explore how it will make things easier for everyone dealing with taxes.


No More Tax Notice Headaches: IRS Announces Simplification Initiative
No More Tax Notice Headaches: IRS Announces Simplification Initiative


As part of the Inflation Reduction Act passed in 2022, the IRS received significant funding to upgrade its technology infrastructure and transform its customer service capabilities. A key focus is simplifying correspondence with taxpayers so that information is presented in a clear, concise, and easily understandable format.

The Simple Notice Initiative builds upon the IRS’s successful redesign of 31 high-volume notices that will be implemented for the 2024 filing season. This proactive step aims to address the long-standing challenges that taxpayers face in comprehending lengthy, complex, and confusing IRS notices. By simplifying language, improving readability, and streamlining content, the goal is to reduce taxpayer burden and enhance the ability to take appropriate actions.


IRS Commissioner’s Perspective

IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel has continually emphasized the importance of simplifying correspondence and ensuring notices are written in clear, straightforward language. In announcing the Simple Notice Initiative, he explained, “Making our notices easier to understand will help taxpayers know what they need to do to comply, pay only what they owe, and make it easier for those eligible to get credits and refunds they deserve.”

Clear communication is expected to reduce taxpayer queries about the IRS, enhance operational efficiency, and contribute to the overall modernization of the IRS’s communications and customer service capabilities. As part of broader transformation efforts, simplified notices also aim to deliver a smoother taxpayer experience and rebuild public trust in the IRS.


Paperless Processing and Customer Service

The Simple Notice Initiative aligns with other modernization efforts already underway at the IRS. In August 2023, the IRS announced the Electronic Filing Initiative to transition fully to paperless processing by 2030. As part of this, taxpayers will have the option to go completely paperless in their interactions with the IRS.

With paperless processing, taxpayers can electronically receive simplified, clearer notices outlining any actions required and can conveniently respond online. Alongside other customer service upgrades like improved phone systems and online accounts, simplified notices aim to provide a seamless omnichannel taxpayer experience.


Filing Season 2024: Review and Redesign of 31 Notices

Over the past year, the IRS has undertaken an intensive review and redesign process for 31 high-volume notices that will take effect for the 2024 filing season. The priority has been simplifying language, enhancing readability, and improving the taxpayer’s ability to comprehend what actions need to be taken.

Some examples of redesigned notices include:

  • Form 4810 reminding combat zone taxpayers of deferred tax deadlines
  • CP14 reminds taxpayers they have unfiled prior year returns
  • CP14 balance due notice outlining payment options
  • CP21C requesting identity verification and tax return confirmation

Redesigned notices utilize clear headers, spacious formatting, simplified language at a lower reading level, and helpful infographics or tables where relevant. The goal is to enable taxpayers to quickly grasp what each notice means and what steps they need to take to rectify any issues.


Filing Season 2025: Focus on Common Notices for Individual Taxpayers

Building on its 2024 redesign efforts, the IRS plans to significantly intensify its notice improvement initiatives in time for the 2025 filing season. The priority will be enhancing approximately 200 of the most commonly issued notices that individual taxpayers receive.

It is estimated these 200 notices constitute around 90% of the total notice volume sent to individual taxpayers. By focusing on high-volume, commonly used notices, the IRS aims to provide simplified correspondence for a majority of taxpayer situations.

Extensive taxpayer input and engagement with tax professionals will help drive these redesign efforts. Focus groups, user testing, and feedback sessions will help the IRS identify areas needing improvement and shape design enhancements suited for taxpayer needs.

Filing Season 2026 and Beyond Expanding to Businesses and Less Common Notices

Over the medium term, the IRS intends to build on the transformation of high-volume individual notices and expand efforts to modernize correspondence with business taxpayers. There are over 40 million notices issued to business entities every year, signaling considerable scope for improvement.

Additionally, beginning in 2026, the IRS will also redesign less frequently issued notices sent to individual taxpayers that fall outside the highest volume categories. While impacting fewer taxpayers, these notices will still undergo simplification and clarity enhancements.

Further details of the IRS’s phased notice redesign plans and timeline will be communicated in forthcoming notices and press releases over the next few years. Continual taxpayer input will help inform upcoming redesign phases.


 Redesigned Notice CP21C Pilot

In late 2023, the IRS conducted a pilot test for a significantly redesigned Notice CP21C, which seeks to confirm a taxpayer’s identity and validate their tax return information.

The original notice spanned seven pages of dense text and complex instructions. The redesigned notice condenses this down to a streamlined two pages. It utilizes larger, more readable fonts, spacious formatting, and plain language at a 5th-grade reading level.

Simplified headers, bullet points on required actions, helpful diagrams, and a QR code for online response options ease taxpayer comprehension. Online survey feedback on the redesign was overwhelmingly positive.


Quantitative results from the pilot revealed

    • 16% reduction in initial taxpayer phone calls to the IRS
    • 6% increase in taxpayers responding online.
    • Significant improvement in taxpayer comprehension



Bottom Line

The IRS’s Simple Notice Initiative highlights an organization-wide commitment to enhancing the taxpayer experience through clearer communications. By simplifying language, improving readability, streamlining content, and utilizing modern delivery channels, notices can become comprehensible and user-friendly.

This multi-year phased effort to transform the IRS’s approach to taxpayer correspondence signifies an important step towards more accessible, seamless interactions. Alongside other modernization initiatives, simplified notices will be pivotal in easing taxpayer burden, improving compliance outcomes, and rebuilding public trust in the IRS.



The initiative is part of the IRS's broader transformation efforts funded by the Inflation Reduction Act. The goal is to streamline communication, making information clear, concise, and easily understandable. Simplified notices contribute to reducing taxpayer confusion, enhancing operational efficiency, and fostering a positive taxpayer experience.


For the 2024 filing season, 31 high-volume notices have undergone redesign, focusing on simplifying language, improving readability, and making notices more user-friendly. Taxpayers can expect clearer communications, such as reminders for combat zone taxpayers, notifications about unfiled returns, and balance due notices.


In 2025, the IRS will intensify its notice improvement efforts by focusing on approximately 200 of the most commonly issued notices to individual taxpayers. This initiative aims to simplify correspondence for a majority of taxpayer situations. Taxpayer input and engagement with tax professionals will play a crucial role in shaping these redesign efforts.


Looking ahead to 2026 and beyond, the IRS will extend its notice redesign efforts to business taxpayers, aiming to enhance the clarity of over 40 million notices issued annually. Additionally, less frequently issued notices sent to individual taxpayers will undergo simplification and clarity enhancements. The phased redesign plans and timeline details will be communicated in forthcoming notices and press releases.


A pilot test of the redesigned Notice CP21C demonstrated tangible benefits, including a 16% reduction in initial taxpayer phone calls, a 6% increase in online responses, and significant improvement in taxpayer comprehension. The success of this pilot informs the broader rollout of redesigned high-volume notices, contributing to a smoother taxpayer experience.


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