March is here and already the first round of Social Security payments has been disbursed, and a couple of days early. Those who have been receiving benefits since before May 1997 received their payments on Friday, March 1 — they typically get paid out on the third of each month but we’ll explain below why this payment was early.
To understand Social Security payment dates, it is important to know how the payment schedule works and the factors that determine when individuals will receive their checks each month. This discussion will provide an overview of the March payment schedule, how payment dates are determined, and exceptions for those receiving both Social Security and SSI benefits.
When Will My March Social Security Check Arrive?
The Social Security Administration has a standardized payment schedule for recipients each month. For March payments, the dates are as follows:
March 1: Social Security payments for people who’ve received Social Security since before May 1997.
March 13: Social Security payments for people with birthdays falling between the first and 10th of any given month.
March 20: Social Security payments for people with birthdays falling between the 11th and 20th of any given month.
March 27: Social Security payments for people with birthdays falling between the 21st and 31st of any given month.
This payment schedule aims to spread out disbursements throughout the month so as not to overwhelm financial institutions and ensure recipients receive funds on time.

How is My Social Security Payment Date Determined?
The SSA uses a standardized system to determine payment dates based on the recipient’s birthday. Payments are typically sent out on the second, third, or fourth Wednesday of each month.
If your birthday falls between the first and 10th of the month, your payment will be sent the second Wednesday of the month.
If your birthday falls between the 11th and 20th of the month, your payment will be sent the third Wednesday of the month.
If your birthday falls between the 21st and 31st of the month, your payment will be sent the fourth Wednesday of the month.
This schedule aims to evenly spread payments across the month. SSI recipients generally receive payments on the first of each month, though there are exceptions.
What if I Receive Both Social Security and SSI Payments?
For those receiving both Social Security and SSI benefits, the payment schedule differs from the standard Wednesday schedule. Instead of getting your payments on a Wednesday, you’ll receive your Social Security payment on the third day of each month and your SSI on the first day of each month.
However, if the first or third day of the month falls on a weekend or holiday, payment dates are adjusted. For example, March 3 falls on a weekend this year, so Social Security recipients in this category received their March payments two days early, on March 1.
Understanding Maximum Social Security Benefits
It’s also helpful for recipients to understand maximum monthly benefit amounts. The maximum monthly Social Security payment for someone who retired in 2019 at full retirement age is 2,861. 1,400. Benefits are adjusted annually for cost of living increases.
Tax Implications of Social Security Income
Social Security benefits may be taxable depending on one’s total income. Single filers with a combined income between 34,000 may have to pay taxes on up to 50% of benefits. For combined income above 34,000, 8532,000, and $44,000 respectively. Recipients need to determine if they need to report their benefits on their annual tax return.
the Social Security Administration has a standardized system for distributing monthly payments, though there are some exceptions. Understanding payment schedules and potential tax implications can help recipients better plan their finances each month. With this overview of the March payment dates and factors affecting disbursements, recipients should know when to expect their funds.