California State Stimulus Check Update 2024, Is It Coming In January?

while no new checks have been officially announced yet, Californians should watch the 2023 state budget process closely for any plans for additional inflation relief payments in 2024. Contact the FTB right away if your 2022 check is missing to claim it.


California State Stimulus Check 2024

Californians eagerly await the California State Stimulus Check Update 2024, questioning if it will arrive in January for much-needed financial relief. The economic landscape’s unpredictability makes this update a beacon of hope, with the potential to significantly impact households and communities. Amid ongoing economic challenges, the stimulus check has become a focal point, and residents are eager to learn if January will fulfill the state’s promise of support. This exploration delves into the details, examining the factors influencing the timeline and the implications for residents. Join us as we navigate through speculation and unravel the possibilities tied to this crucial financial update.


California State Stimulus Check 2024 Overview

Category Details
Update Stimulus Check
Location California
Effective date Not mentioned yet
Reporting period Calendar year 2023
Forms issued  Early 2024
Returns due April 15, 2024 (or extended due date)
Official website  HERE


California State Stimulus Check 

In 2022, California distributed inflation relief checks of up to $1,050 per taxpayer based on 2020 tax filings. The goal was to help residents cope with rising costs of living.


California State Stimulus Check 2024 – When is it Coming?

No new stimulus checks have been officially announced for 2024 by Governor Newsom or state legislators yet.

A decision will likely depend on how large the state’s budget surplus is at the end of 2023.

If revenues continue to significantly exceed expenses, more relief payments could be approved.

However, the economy may improve in 2023, reducing the need for additional stimulus.

Residents should monitor the state budget process in late 2023 for any announcements about potential 2024 checks.


Who Received Checks in 2022?

Individuals with an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or less in 2020 received $350.

Joint filers with an AGI of $150,000 or less received $700.

Recipients also had to be California residents for at least half of 2020 and could not be claimed as a dependent.


When Will a Decision Be Made?

Governor Newsom will release a proposed budget in January 2024 for the 2024-25 fiscal year.

The state legislature will then review and vote on the budget between February and June 2024.

If approved, stimulus checks could start being distributed in late 2024 or early 2025.


$600 California stimulus check 2023

In October 2022, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a $308 billion budget which included sending $9.5 billion worth of inflation relief checks to millions of Californians.

Under this program, direct payments of $200 to $1,050 were sent to eligible California residents starting in October 2022 based on their tax filings. The maximum payment was $1,050 for joint filers.

In January 2023, another round of stimulus payments was approved by the state legislature as part of a $308 billion budget. This included $9.5 billion to be used for sending $200 inflation relief checks to millions of taxpaying Californians.

To be eligible for the $200 check-in 2023, you had to be a California resident for at least 6 months in the 2020 tax year and still be a resident in the payment month. You also had to not be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return and have filed your 2020 tax return by October 15, 2022.

The checks were sent either by direct deposit or mailed as debit cards based on the information from 2020 tax filings. Payments started going out in October 2022 and were expected to continue through January 2023.


Are more inflation relief checks coming in California?

There is no confirmation yet from Governor Newsom’s administration or state lawmakers about additional inflation relief checks being sent in 2024. The $200 and $350 checks that went out in late 2022 and early 2023 were a one-time program.

However, given persistently high inflation continues to impact Californians, there are calls from some legislators and advocates to approve more direct payments to residents. Assemblymember Philip Ting has said he will try to include more stimulus checks in the 2024-25 state budget proposal.

Much will depend on how strong state revenues remain in 2023. If California continues seeing large budget surpluses due to high taxes on the wealthy and businesses, there may be political will to support additional direct payments. However, an economic slowdown could reduce surplus funds.

Governor Newsom will present his initial budget proposal for the 2024-25 fiscal year in early 2023. This is where any plans for new inflation relief checks would need to be included. The state legislature would then need to vote to approve more spending on direct payments.

Based on prior actions, if approved, additional $200-400 checks may start going out to Californians from October 2023 onwards. But this remains uncertain until the budget negotiations are completed next year. So Californians will have to wait for updates from their elected representatives in early 2023.


What should you do if you have not received your California inflation relief check?

For those who were eligible but have not yet received their $200 or $350 check by February 2023, here are some steps to take:

  • First, check the Franchise Tax Board website using your SSN/ITIN and date of birth to see the status of your payment. You may need to claim it on your 2022 tax return.


  • If it says a check was issued but you did not receive it, contact the FTB toll-free at 1-800-542-9332. Explain that you never received the payment, and they can issue a replacement or trace the original check.


  • Make sure your address on file with the FTB is up to date. If you moved in 2022, file a change of address with the post office and contact the FTB.


  • Check if you are eligible but were not issued a payment. You may need to file a 2020 tax return or claim the payment as a credit on your 2022 return using Form FTB 3514.


  • Payments are issued based on tax filings. If you had a baby or other family changes in 2022, you may need to wait to claim the payment next year when you file your 2023 taxes.


  • Be patient as the FTB and Treasury are still processing some 2020 returns and payments. Give it till April 2023 before contacting them if you have not received or been issued a check.



Key Details- California State Stimulus Check Update 2024

Topic Key Details
2022 Stimulus Checks – 200−200−1,050 checks sent starting Oct 2022 based on 2020 tax filings.
1,050 for joint filers,200 for individuals
2023 Stimulus Checks – $200 checks approved for Jan 2023 as part of the state budget
– Same eligibility as 2022 checks based on 2020 tax filings
Future Checks? – No confirmation of additional checks in 2024 yet
– Depends on budget surplus and legislative approval
Check Status – Check FTB website using SSN/ITIN and DOB
– Contact FTB if the check is not received by Feb 2023
File a Return – May need to file 2020 return to claim missing payment
– Can claim payment as a credit on 2022 tax return
Address Updates – Make sure the address on file with FTB is current
– Notify FTB of any moves in 2022
Key Dates – Give FTB till April 2023 before contacting about the missing check


FAQs-California State Stimulus Check Update 2024

Those with AGI up to $75,000 received $350, and joint filers with AGI up to $150,000 got $700.

Governor's proposed budget in January 2024. If approved, checks could start late 2024 or early 2025.

No confirmation yet. Check FTB website for 2022 check status. Update your address. Contact FTB if needed. Stay patient. Low-income non-filers can register at


2 thoughts on “California State Stimulus Check Update 2024, Is It Coming In January?”

  1. I didn’t get the 2023 check. I would like to find out how I can receive it. Are there any phone numbers, or email addresses that I can receive in order to ask questions? Please, help me.

    • I apologize for any confusion, but there was no broad 2023 stimulus check issued by the federal government. The last major stimulus payments were the third round of Economic Impact Payments issued in 2021 as part of the American Rescue Plan. IRS phone number:

      800-829-1040 (main IRS phone number)
      IRS website and email:
      You can submit questions through the “Contact Us” section of the website


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